interim report2022中期報告 uba investments limited開明投資有限公司1interim report 2022 中期報告corporate informationboard of directorsexecutive directorsdr. wong yun kuen (chairman)mr. cheng wai lun, andrewmr. chau wai hingindependent non-executive directorsdr. fung lewis hungmr. tang hon bui, ronaldmr. kwok ming fai, cpacompany secretarymr. leung man lai, cpaauditorsasian alliance (hk) cpa limitedcertified public accountants (practising)audit committeedr. fung lewis hungmr. tang hon bui, ronaldmr. kwok ming fai, cparemuneration committeedr. fung lewis hungmr. tang hon bui, ronaldmr. cheng wai lun, andrewmr. kwok ming fai, cpanomination committeedr. fung lewis hungmr. tang hon bui, ronaldmr. cheng wai lun, andrewmr. kwok ming fai, cpaprincipal bankerocbc wing hang bank, limited公司資料董事會執行董事黃潤權博士(主席)鄭偉倫先生周偉興先生獨立非執行董事馮振雄醫生鄧漢標先生郭明輝先生,cpa公司秘書梁文禮先生,cpa核數師華融(香港)會計師事務所有限公司執業會計師審核委員會馮振雄醫生鄧漢標先生郭明輝先生,cpa薪酬委員會馮振雄醫生鄧漢標先生鄭偉倫先生郭明輝先生,cpa提名委員會馮振雄醫生鄧漢標先生鄭偉倫先生郭明輝先生,cpa主要往來銀行華僑永亨銀行有限公司 uba investments limited開明投資有限公司2interim report 2022 中期報告股票代號香港聯合交易所:768網址投資經理美建管理有限公司香港主要營業地點香港德輔道中300號華傑商業中心16樓b室註冊辦事處p.o. box 309ugland house grand cayman ky1-1104cayman islands開曼群島主要股份過戶登記處suntera (cayman) limitedsuite 3204, unit 2a, block 3,building d, p.o. box 1586,gradenia court, camana bay,grand cayman, ky1-1100cayman islands香港股份過戶登記分處卓佳標準有限公司香港夏愨道16號遠東金融中心17樓stock codehong kong stock exchange: 768website managerupbest assets management limitedprincipal place of business in hong kongflat b, 16th floor, wah kit commercial centre300 des voeux road centralhong kongregistered officep.o. box 309ugland house grand cayman ky1-1104cayman islandscayman islands principal registrarsuntera (cayman) limitedsuite 3204, unit 2a, block 3,building d, p.o. box 1586,gradenia court, camana bay,grand cayman, ky1-1100cayman islandshong kong branch registrartricor standard limited17/f, far east finance centre16 harcourt roadhong kong uba investments limited開明投資有限公司3interim report 2022 中期報告業績開明投資有限公司(「本公司」)董事會(「董事會」)欣然提呈本公司及其附屬公司(「本集團」)截至二零二二年九月三十日止六個月之中期報告及未經審核中期業績,連同上期比較數字分列如下:簡明綜合收益表截至九月三十日止六個月resultsthe board of directors (the “board”) of uba investments limited (the “company”) is pleased to announce that the unaudited interim results of the company and its subsidiaries (the “group”) for the six months ended 30 september 2022 and the group’s state of affairs as at that date together with the comparative figures as follows:condensed consolidated income statementfor the six months ended 30 september20222021二零二二年二零二一年(unaudited)(unaudited)(未經審核)(未經審核)noteshk$’000hk$’000附註千港元千港元gross proceeds from disposal of trading securities出售交易證券的所得款項總額2,6514,487 revenue收入44,3054,051loss from changes in fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss按公平值變動於損益賬列賬之財務資產之虧損額5(16,460)(4,077)loss from changes in fair value of other investment按公平值變動之其他投資之虧損額–(102)other revenue and other income其他收入及其它收益–283administrative and other operating expenses行政及其他營運支出(2,821)(2,153) loss before taxation除稅前虧損6(14,976)(1,998)income tax expense所得稅開支7–– loss and total comprehensive expenses for the period本期間之虧損及全面支出總額(14,976)(1,998) loss per share每股虧損basic (hk cents)基本(港仙)81.180.16 diluted (hk cents)攤薄(港仙)n/a 不適用n/a 不適用 uba investments limited開明投資有限公司4interim report 2022 中期報告簡明綜合財務狀況表condensed consolidated statement of financial position30 september31 march20222022二零二二年二零二二年九月三十日三月三十一日(unaudited)(audited)(未經審核)(經審核)noteshk$’000hk$’000附註千港元千港元non-current assets非流動資產property, plant and equipment物業、機器及設備–– current assets流動資產amounts due from related companies應收關連公司款項10800315deposits按金6666financial assets at fair value through profit or loss按公平值於損益賬列賬之財務資產984,004100,544cash and bank balances現金及銀行結餘4,8093,950 89,679104,875 current liability流動負債accruals應付費用(98)(318) net current assets流動資產淨值89,581104,557 total assets less current liability總資產值減流動負債89,581104,557 non-current liability非流動負債deferred tax liabilities遞延稅項負債–– net assets資產淨值89,581104,557 capital and reserves資本及儲備share capital股本1112,71712,717reserves儲備76,86491,840 total equity總權益89,581104,557 net asset value per share每股資產淨值12hk$0.07港元hk$0.08港元 uba investments limited開明投資有限公司5interim report 2022 中期報告condensed consolidated statement of changes in equityfor the six months ended 30 september 2022unaudited未經審核 share capitalshare premiumretained losstotal股本股份溢價保留溢利總計hk$’000hk$’000hk$’000hk$’000千港元千港元千港元千港元as at 1 april 2022於二零二二年四月一日結餘12,717107,217(15,377)104,557loss for the period本期間虧損––(14,976)(14,976) as at 30 september 2022於二零二二年九月三十日結餘12,717107,217(30,353)89,581 unaudited未經審核 share capitalshare premiumretained losstotal股本股份溢價保留溢利總計hk$’000hk$’000hk$’000hk$’000千港元千港元千港元千港元as at 1 april 2021於二零二一年四月一日結餘12,717107,217(15,248)104,686loss for the period本期間虧損––(1,998)(1,998) as at 30 september 2021於二零二一年九月三十日結餘12,717107,217(17,246)102,688 簡明綜合權益變動表截至二零二二年九月三十日止六個月 uba investments limited開明投資有限公司6interim report 2022 中期報告condensed con